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How To Stop Sweating Naturally

Stop underarm sweat naturally with these remedies
Here at dandi London our mission is to assist you with your sweat related issues and to try and minimise the problems and embarrassment caused by excessive sweating. Today we are focusing on completely natural remedies to help stop sweating naturally. Here are our top suggestions…

Tomato Juice

Stop underarm sweat naturally

Tomato juice can reduce the amount you sweat due to its active ingredient properties. Studies state that by drinking tomato juice your pours naturally shrink which reduces chronic sweating. It can also help regulate your body temperature. There are a number of ways to consume tomato juice; the most successful is to drink a glass or two of tomato juice each day or by adding tomatoes into your daily meals. Some studies also claim that you can actually apply pure tomato juice to your underarms and let it rest on your skin for 20 minutes before washing it off. By doing this your pours will naturally absorb the minerals within the tomato juice, therefore reducing underarm sweat naturally.

dandi patch

how to stop sweating underarms naturally - try dandi patch

dandi patch may not be a food-based remedy. However, dandi patch is a solution that lets your body sweat 100% naturally whilst guaranteeing no embarrassment! This patch replaces your antiperspirant or deodorant as it traps in all odours. The dandi patch adheres to your underarms and will soak up any sweat released; protecting your clothes from wet marks and yellow staining. The patches are comfortable to wear and offer natural all day protection from excessive sweating. They are completely free from parabens and aluminium.


Baking Soda

How to stop sweating naturally - baking soda

Baking soda is well known for being a water absorbing ingredient and alkaline. Its alkaline properties mean it can neutralise body odour and can be seen as a substitute for a supermarket deodorant. If you actually take a look at the deodorant you buy from your local store, you will see that a lot of them already contain some form of baking soda.

It is becoming more popular for people to be creating their own natural deodorant using baking soda. If you want to try this out, then we’d advise heading to Wellness Mama’s blog as she has some lovely natural deodorant recipes you can make at home. Do just remember to do a patch test first to test for sensitivities as everyone’s skin is different 

If you do change to this method, you will notice you may get wetter underarms and some have reported heavier underarm clothing stains too. To prevent either of these being an issue, pair your new natural deodorant with dandi pad. dandi pad is a sweat pad that sticks to your clothes creating a protective barrier between underarm sweat, deodorant and your clothing so you can avoid sweat marks and stains.

Tea tree oil

natural remedy for body odour - tea tree

If you are struggling with the body odour side of sweat more than the wetness, then tea tree oil may help. This is an antibacterial essential oil so it will help to eliminate the bacteria on your armpits that create odour. Simply apply a few drops to cotton wool and wipe. Do consider that tea tree oil can dry the skin so do watch out for this and reduce usage if it occurs.


Natural ways to stop sweating - use potatoes

Potatoes and other potassium rich foods have been found to possess anti-sweating properties. You can literally rub a slice of potato across the armpit region for a few minutes a day to see some drying effects. We are not quite sure how this was discovered but we are positive there must be a good story behind it!


Lemons naturally stop sweating

Lemons contain large amounts of citric acid, a very strong and pottant substance that is known for eliminating harmful bacteria. It can also be used for reducing excessive sweating from the human body. To use lemons as part of your anti-sweating routine, squeeze the lemon so most of the juice has ran out, then rub the lemon on your underarms. You can also squeeze some of the lemon juice onto a cotton pad, whilst adding some baking soda and use this as a natural paste to apply to the underarms.

We hope you have found this blog useful. You can also view further sweat related blogs here. 

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