We're Expanding! | Introducing Our New Brand Name: dandi London

We have been on an exciting journey of growth and we want to share it with you!
Get ready to say hello to dandi London! For all our loyal customers out there, we are still dandi patch as you know us, except we are getting bigger and will be offering you innovative new products in addition to the dandi patch!
Due to this, we need to house all of our products under one umbrella brand. We decided that making dandi patch the umbrella name would be confusing and send the wrong message to our consumers that we only sell one product. Consequently, we decided that each product would have its own name (e.g. the dandi patch), but it will sit with the other new products under the umbrella of dandi London! This is a huge step in the development of our brand and it allows us to expand our potential even further.
Over the last year we have secretly been working hard on developing our second product to add to the dandi London range. This has been based upon feedback and suggestions given to us by our ever-growing consumer base – yes that is probably some of you who are reading now! – so we can’t wait to reveal it to you!
Looking forward we are hoping to continue expanding the dandi London range to feature even more products that solve your everyday life problems! Our aim with the dandi patch was to solve the problem of excessive sweating and odour; through your reviews and feedback, we like to think we have done just that!
Thank you for supporting us on our exciting journey of growth and we hope you love our new product. We are excited to announce this product will be ready for release very soon, so be sure to stay tuned into our social media for the big reveal! Our account names will automatically change to @dandi_London this week but if you are not already following us then please make sure you do!